


English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) is a two-semester program for native and non-native speakers of English that gives students additional time to focus on critical reading, reasoning, writing, and research skills. Emphasis is placed on developing communication skills in preparation for academic and professional interactions.

Source: www.writing.rochester.com


The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.

– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin



Reading and Writing

This course essentially emphasizes skills in reading, critical thinking, and writing. It is designed to enhance the academic reading skills for successful reading ability as required in college-level courses. Emphasis is placed on strategies for effective reading and the utilization of these strategies to improve comprehension, analytical skills, and overall reading speed.
The course also aims at expanding students’ vocabulary range and strengthening their abilities to use different strategies to deduce the meaning of unknown words. They become better thinkers through synthesizing information or reacting to viewpoints in the readings. Ultimately, they become better writers through different types of writing assignments that require them to apply language, grammar, and content in a structured and coherent way.
Competences that the students acquire by the end of this program:
The students can:
  • read a wide range of authentic, long, complex texts from social and academic sources and comprehend them in detail with occasional need for dictionary;
  • identify fine points of detail including attitudes and opinions which are not explicitly stated;
  • write clear and well structured texts about complex subjects showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices and express their point of view at some length;
  • incorporate other writers work into their own papers using quoting, summarizing and paraphrasing in a reasonably effective way.

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Contact us: Aurora National Science High School | +63-920-7715-502 | Email: ryuanseyer@gmail.com | Twitter: @Yuanymous | Facebook: facebook.com/carlo.seyer.96 | Available at: Weekdays: 5:00 am – 7:00 pm |
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